This document is the general standard operating procedure for daily operations for the experimental hall, the high power laser system (HPLS), testing or aligning the laser, and initiating an experiment request until the successful execution of the laser pulse.
It defines the main actors, their roles, and the corresponding subsystems. Detailed steps for subsystems are described in the working procedures.

Main scope: to provide the users general knowledge on the risks of exposure to ionizing radiations and means of protection while performing the experiments at ELI pillars.

Relevance: training is mandatory for all users willing to access experimental areas where radiation risks are present.

An overview of the cleanroom practices at the ELI-NP facility

This course is an overview of all the safety features while working with the HPLS system.

This course provides general information regarding the security system on the ELI-NP facility, the safety and health rules, and procedures in case of emergency situations.