The HPLS is a two-arm hybrid high-power laser system (HPLS) able to deliver 1 pulse per minute at 10 PW peak power in two separate arms. Four additional outputs are available, two at 1 PW with 1 Hz repetition rate, and two at 100 TW at 10 Hz repetition rate, obtained by extracting the pulses at intermediary amplification levels and compressing them using dedicated compressors. These six beams are delivered to five experimental areas.
The hybrid design of the HPLS consists of a CPA/ps- NOPCPA FE and Ti:sapphire high-energy amplifiers. The laser pulses generated by the Front End are used to seed the two power amplification arms simultaneously ensuring the optical synchronization of the two laser amplification arms. A second, similar FE is available for redundancy, ensuring a longer beam availability for the users. The architecture of FE is presented in this hybrid course.